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- Inspire CNC Manufacturing boosts production with double ColorJet Verve Mini
- Personalized Wedding Applications for Big FAT Indian Weddings using ColorJet Printers
- Colorjet Alliance, partnering and delivering best-in-class printing solutions to brands.
- ColorJet in Association with Digital hires captivates Visitors from across the world at Digicom 2019 at Madrid Spain
- ColorJet Alliance, Aligned with Success & Happiness.
- ColorJet India named Largest Manufacturer for Wide Format Digital Printer of the Year
- ColorJet marks its presence at APPPEXPO 2019, Shanghai by Showcasing the best in wide format Inkjet Digital Printer
- Verve Mini UV Printer: Revolutionizing the Gifting Business
- ColorJet India Partners Digital HiRes for Printers in Spain & Portugal
- ColorJet Expands in Italy with FPS (Full Printing solutions)